22/04/2013 de 17h à 19h
Andrea de Guttry
Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa (Italie),
Professeur invité à l’ENS Ulm 

Conférence organisée par le CTAD en association avec l’ENS Ulm
La conférence aura lieu en anglais 

Bâtiment F (UFR DSP)
Salle des Actes (F-142)
La conférence aura lieu en anglais

L’UMR 7074 accueille Andrea de Guttry qui exposera les instruments que le droit international met à la disposition des Etats pour tenter de maîtriser l’accroissement des conflits (internes et internationaux) et soumettra à un examen critique les arguments auxquels ces Etats ont recours pour justifier l’emploi de la force armée

 The use of force in international relations has been, first restricted by the League of Nations and then finally banned with the entry into force of the UN Charter. This innovative mechanism has suffered serious limitations due to the fact that member States did not fulfill their obligation to support the Security Council by making available armed forces, assistance, and facilities to deal with international crises. The failure of part of this collective security mechanism, together with the new challenges the international community is nowadays facing, calls for some innovative thinking and action to prevent very serious situations from degenerating into intractable conflicts. The proven difficulty (impossibility?) to reform and amend the UN Charter makes the whole situation more and more complex. Within this framework, the conference aims at identifying emerging trends in international practice aimed at overcoming the present situation and to critically examine the various arguments (legal and political) put forward by some States to justify their resort to armed operations. The issues at stake are of such an importance for mankind that a very cautious approach is suggested bearing in mind the consequences which could descend from an excessively narrow interpretation of the general prohibition on the use of force in international relations.

 Andrea de Guttry est Professeur de droit international et Directeur du International Research Laboratory on Conflict, Development and Global Politics à la Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna ainsi que du programme « International Training Programme for Conflict Management ». Il est l’auteur (avec F. Pagani) de Le Nazioni Unite. Sviluppo e riforma del sistema di sicurezza collettiva (Il Mulino, 2011) et a publié de très nombreux articles en droit international dont: « Recent trends in peacekeeping operations run by regional organisations and the resulting interplay with theUnited Nations system« , African Journal On Conflict Resolution – 11 : 27:52 (2011).