Le 6 mars 2023 à 17h, en salle des Actes F141 du bâtiment Veil le CTAD aura le plaisir d’accueillir Anna Richter (Université de Cordoba, et Université de Bahia Blanca, Argentine) pour une intervention (en anglais) sur le thème :

Street harassment as a morally (ir-)relevant behaviour?

Expressions of sexual attraction in public spaces, often referred to as « street harassment » or « cat calling », raise many questions, especially of a legal, sociological and moral nature. In this seminar I will focus on the question of moral evaluation. To this end, I will present three possible attitudes towards expressions of sexual attraction in public spaces, one positive, one neutral and one negative, and argue in favour of the third one: I will understand such expressions of sexual attraction as morally reprehensible behaviour. Moreover, I will try to show that the rejection of such expressions of sexual attraction does not lead to a slippery slope that ends in the denial of any attempt to establish contact with a person. On the contrary, I intend to show that there is a criterion for distinguishing them from other forms of interaction.